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Lake Project of Dholakia Foundation

Internship Report by Vasu Pipal and Monika Jain (M.A Society and Culture, Class of 2023)

December 2022

Source: Dholakia Foundation


Amreli, a district located in the western state of Gujarat, India, grapples with formidable challenges associated with water scarcity and management. This region heavily relies on rainfall as its primary water source, given the limited availability of other water sources. Unfortunately, it faces a severe water crisis due to geographical conditions that hinder its ability to retain rainwater effectively. This predicament gives rise to a multitude of issues, even when the region receives substantial rainfall.

For instance, in 2016, Amreli received 128 percent of its long-term average rainfall, totaling 31 inches. However, despite this seemingly adequate rainfall, severe drinking water shortages plagued many talukas within the district by the summer (Kateshiya, 2016). This paradoxical situation persists, as demonstrated in 2022 when the district experienced flash floods, only to face a shortage of water for farming after Diwali.

The water woes in Amreli are further exacerbated by the neglect of both state and central governments. These challenges manifest in various ways, including problems with drinking water, domestic water supply, and agricultural productivity. Additionally, there are less recognized but equally critical issues impacting the district's villages, such as concerns related to marriage, migration, and more.

The drying up of the Gagadiyo River, a tributary of the Shetrunji River, in Amreli district of Gujarat is a concerning environmental issue. The drying up of the Gagadiyo River can be attributed to a combination of factors, including reduced rainfall, over-extraction of groundwater for irrigation, and the damming of rivers upstream for various purposes. Reduced rainfall in the region has led to decreased water inflow into the Gagadiyo River. This is a direct consequence of changing weather patterns and climate variability. The excessive extraction of groundwater for agricultural irrigation has caused a decline in the water table. This over-extraction puts additional stress on the river's water resources (Kateshiya, 2016). The drying up of the Gagadiyo River has far-reaching environmental consequences, including the loss of habitat for aquatic life, disruption of local ecosystems, and negative effects on agriculture and communities dependent on the river.

To address this pressing water crisis and to rejuvenate Gagadiyo River, Savji Dholakia, a renowned diamond merchant from Surat and native of Dudhala village in Amreli district, initiated an ambitious project to construct 100 lakes (#Mission100Sarovar) across the district. His dedication to this endeavor stems from personal experiences during his childhood and a profound understanding of the issue's urgency. His efforts, carried out through the Dholakia Foundation, have already led to the successful construction of over 75 lakes, benefiting numerous villages in the district. These lakes, inaugurated with support from the government, are remarkable achievements given their swift completion without external assistance.

This study aims to delve into the socio-economic impact of this substantial water conservation project, emphasizing its significance in addressing the long-standing water crisis in Amreli district. Through extensive fieldwork, interviews, participant observations, and a comprehensive literature review, we endeavor to provide a thorough analysis of the project's socio-economic implications.

Methodology of Interview and Sample Size

We classified all the 75 villages near the Lake Project (both completed and prospective) under three categories:

Category I: Villages to which the project has reached completely.

Category II: Villages to which the project has not reached but these villages are near rivers.

Category III: Villages where there are no water conservation projects so far and they are also away from the river.

These three categories were decided with a mindset that this classification will help us to do a comparative study of the categories and will help us to directly conclude the benefits of the project.

The rationale behind the classification of villages into three categories for the comparative study is to provide a structured framework for evaluating the benefits of the river rejuvenation project in different contexts. The classification is based on the following rationale:

Category I: Villages to which the project has reached completely:

● These villages have been directly impacted by the river rejuvenation project, as the project has been implemented and completed in these areas.

● By including this category, the study can assess the direct outcomes and benefits experienced by the communities where the project has been fully implemented. This will help in evaluating the effectiveness of the project in achieving its intended goals and objectives.

Category II: Villages to which the project has not reached, but are near the river:

● These villages are in close proximity to the river but have not yet received the full benefits of the river rejuvenation project.

● By including this category, the study can explore the potential spill-over effects or indirect benefits of the project on neighboring communities. It provides an opportunity to assess the project's influence on the surrounding areas and examine any changes or improvements observed even without direct project implementation.

Category III: Villages where there are no water conservation projects so far and are also away from the river:

● These villages are geographically distant from the river and have not been a target of water conservation projects in the region.

● By including this category, the study can establish a baseline or control group that represents the existing conditions in areas unaffected by the river rejuvenation project. This comparison allows for a more robust analysis of the project's impact by distinguishing between natural changes in the region and those attributed to the project.

Overall, this categorization strategy enabled a comparative analysis of the benefits and impacts of the river rejuvenation project across different village types. It provides insights into the direct, indirect, and relative benefits of the project, as well as the overall effectiveness of the intervention in different contexts.

From each category we randomly choose 5 villages:

Category Villages covered

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3
















In each of the villages we choose our interview sample size in such a way that it involve at least 4 category of people:

1. Women

2. Teenagers and Youngsters (Below the age of 30)

3. Farmers

4. Old age people

Impact of the Project:

Increasing the surface water and groundwater level

Gujarat heavily relies on surface water as its primary source of water. The state has 185 river basins and an available quota of 55,608 million cubic meters of water (Chengappa, 2021). However, only a small percentage (2%) of this quota, equivalent to 38,100 million cubic meters, constitutes surface water, which has resulted in unequal distribution across the region (Chengappa, 2021). In particular, the Saurashtra and Kutch areas are disproportionately affected despite their vast geographical extent, with access to merely 9% and 2% of the state's water resources, respectively. Contributing greatly to this imbalance are factors such as erratic rainfall patterns and challenging topography. As an example, the Amreli district situated in Saurashtra faces adverse consequences from inadequate surface water availability. The overall region is characterized by scanty rainfalls subject to extensive aberrations that result in chronic droughts and unexpected flash floods at times of heightened precipitation (WRD, 2021) .

Compounding the issue, Saurashtra's inverted saucer-like shape features undulating terrain andsteep gradients, which hinder the natural accumulation and flow of surface water. In effect, water must be pumped up to immense heights, comparable to that of a 23-story building, for effective distribution across the entire region. To mitigate these challenges, proper storage infrastructure like reservoirs, dams, and ponds play critical roles in capturing excess moisture during periods of abundant rain or snowmelt for use during dry or drought phases. Unfortunately, the Amreli region lacks sufficient storage facilities leading to inadequate capture and conservation of water resources. Furthermore, poorly developed or aging infrastructure for water storage and conveyance contributes significantly to additional losses through evaporation, seepage, and leakage.

Various projects such as the Narmada canal have aimed to alleviate surface water shortages in drought-stricken areas like Saurashtra. However, the construction and maintenance of such infrastructure call for substantial investments and continuous efforts to ensure effective water distribution, which have been lacking thus far. Consequently, this has led to further reductions in surface water availability due to the prevalence of leaks and losses during transportation.

With the lake project of Dholakia Foundation things have now started changing. Lack of infrastructure which was a big problem for the region in holding rainfall water is now being filled with the lakes constructed by the Dholakia Foundation. Lakes constructed are acting as natural or artificial reservoirs that can store large amounts of water. By constructing a dam across a river water is planned to be impounded and stored in the lake. This stored water is then utilized during periods of water scarcity, such as droughts, or for various purposes like irrigation, drinking water supply, and industrial use. The increased storage capacity is helping to ensure a more reliable water supply and mitigating the effects of seasonal variations in rainfall

Approximately three-fourths of Gujarat's area, including Saurashtra, consists of rocky terrain and coastal regions unsuitable for groundwater withdrawal. Lakes constructed are not only increasing the surface water but also helping in increasing the ground water levels.

Groundwater recharge refers to the process where water moves downward from surface water to replenish underground aquifers. Lakes are contributing to this process through following two mechanisms:

1. Diffuse recharge: As a hydrological process, diffuse recharge plays a vital role in maintaining the equilibrium of groundwater resources. This mechanism occurs when precipitation infiltrates and permeates through the soil layers, gradually traveling downward until it reaches the water table. In the context of water conservation efforts by organizations like the Dholakia Foundation, the construction of lakes serves a dual purpose: not only do these bodies of water provide much-needed resources for local

communities, but they also enable groundwater replenishment during rainfall events. As precipitation continues to saturate the earth surrounding these lakes, water naturally seeps into underground aquifers, ultimately enhancing the regional water supply.

2. Focused recharge: It represents a closely related yet distinct phenomenon. This particular mechanism involves water from existing lakes and rivers leaking and seeping directly into the ground, contributing substantially to localized groundwater recharge. Lakes constructed by Dholakia Foundation are also doing focused recharge and it become quite relevant specifically in arid regions where water sources are scarce, as it allows for efficient utilization of limited resources while concurrently mitigating the detrimental effects of drought conditions on both human populations and ecological systems alike.

Lakes, as crucial elements of the global hydrological cycle, serve as essential components in sustaining ecological systems, nurturing a wide array of aquatic and terrestrial life forms. Their prominent role as natural reservoirs enables them to store vast volumes of water and meticulously regulate its flow, gradually feeding downstream areas to enhance the availability of surface water. As a result, these bodies of water present a continuous and reliable supply during times of drought or low precipitation, which effectively counteracts the consequences of water scarcity. This inherent ability to provide dependable water resources caters to diverse applications such as agriculture, human consumption, industrial processes, and energy generation.

The Dholakia Foundation's lakes exemplify these qualities through their contributions to the region's overall water storage capacity. These man-made lakes capitalize on their strategic placement within natural depressions in the landscape to gather water from rivers and retain it during periods of heavy rainfall. In doing so, they impede the rapid runoff that would ordinarily occur on the land surface. Consequently, this storage capacity enables these lakes to accommodate vast quantities of water, generating a valuable reserve accessible during periods of limited precipitation and heightened demand for water resources. By functioning as efficient reservoirs, the lakes secure an excess of water otherwise lost as runoff – a versatile commodity now available for vital purposes such as drinking water supply and irrigation.

The storage capacity of lakes is influenced by their size and depth. Larger and deeper lakes have a higher water-holding capacity, enabling them to store larger volumes of water. This is the reason that Dholakia Foundation is not only constructing new lakes but is also increasing the depth and wideness of the existing lakes and river flow area.

Lakes are also going to play a crucial role in regulating the flow of water within river basins of Gagadiya river . They will act as natural buffers, absorbing excess water during periods of high flow and releasing it gradually during dry spells. This regulation of water flow will help to maintain a more consistent water supply in downstream areas, ensuring that surface water is available even during periods of low precipitation or drought. By dampening the effects of extreme hydrological events, lakes will contribute to a more stable and reliable water supply. This becomes even more important in recent times as flash floods are becoming more frequent in this region.

Moreover, lakes are going to interact with the surrounding landscape through various processes such as evaporation, seepage, and groundwater exchange. Evaporation from the lake surface will lead to the formation of atmospheric moisture, which can contribute to precipitation in nearby regions, thereby influencing the distribution of water resources. Additionally, lakes can also replenish groundwater resources through seepage and groundwater exchange processes, enhancing the availability of water in aquifers and maintaining baseflow in rivers and streams.

The presence of lakes will also have significant ecological benefits. They will provide habitat for a diverse array of plant and animal species, supporting aquatic ecosystems and promoting biodiversity. Healthy lake ecosystems are essential for maintaining water quality and functioning as nurseries for many species. By preserving these habitats, lakes will indirectly contribute to the overall health and availability of surface water resources.

Impact on the agriculture of the region

Agriculture is the backbone of the village economy in Amreli district and regions around it. Some of the most often grown crops in the region are Cotton, Groundnut, Wheat, Jowar, Bajra, Til, Dhaniya. The Amreli’s agricultural sector is heavily reliant on rainwater and groundwater for irrigation as a result of limited access to surface water. However, this dependence on groundwater has resulted in the depletion of water resources which has led to water stress and the shortage of water for irrigation. Farmers, particularly those in arid regions, are faced with the task of adapting their cropping patterns to cope with water scarcity. The region lacks proper infrastructure to hold rainwater which in turn will recharge the groundwater. Unfortunately, the prevalent cultivation of water-intensive crops like rice further exacerbates the strain on water resources. Crop diversification, which requires improved irrigation systems, is challenging to achieve due to the existing political and economic barriers.

Depletion of ground water and absence of proper surface water availability results in over-dependence of farmers on the irrigation facilities. Amreli region lack any concrete action plan by the state government for improving irrigation facilities, this means people are largely on their own for arranging better irrigation. About 57% of land holdings in Amreli are with small and marginal farmers and the average size of the holdings is 2.36 ha (NABARD, 2017). This means that more than half of the population dependent on agriculture lacks economic resources to establish sophisticated irrigation mechanisms.

From an economic standpoint, the absence of better irrigation facilities in Gujarat significantly impacts agricultural productivity, input costs, and farmer income. Inadequate irrigation leads to reduced agricultural productivity, as crops do not receive the necessary water for optimal growth. This water stress and irregular supply results in decreased crop yields, ultimately affecting the quantity and quality of agricultural output. Consequently, this reduction in agricultural productivity not only diminishes farmers' income but also jeopardizes food security and disrupts agricultural supply chains.

Simultaneously, farmers lacking access to efficient irrigation facilities often resort to energy-intensive methods such as pumping groundwater leading to higher energy consumption and associated costs. As a result of groundwater resources depletion, deeper wells and more powerful pumps drive up input expenses for farmers. Additionally, inadequate irrigation forces farmers to depend on expensive fertilizers and pesticides to compensate for the lack of water, further exacerbating input costs.

Finally, the combination of reduced agricultural productivity and increased input costs directly impacts farmer income. Lower crop yields and inflated expenses erode profit margins, rendering farming economically unviable for many smallholder farmers. Moreover, insufficient irrigation facilities restrict farmers' abilities to diversify crops or adopt higher-value agricultural practices, thereby further limiting their income-generating potential.

The inequitable distribution of irrigation resources and benefits also adds to the socioeconomic vulnerabilities of farmers. Studies have shown that inequitable distribution of irrigation can reinforce existing inequalities, favoring regions with better irrigation potential and households with greater access to capital and land (Fischer et al., 2022). This creates disparities in income and livelihoods among farmers in different areas. Furthermore, the depletion of water resources intensifies the vulnerability of poor households, who may lack alternative means of irrigation or financial resources to cope with water scarcity (Fischer et al., 2022). The resulting socioeconomic disparities further widen the income gap between farmers, exacerbating rural poverty.

The presence of lakes built by Dholakia Foundation has improved agricultural productivity drastically. Building of lakes in the region has significantly enhanced the irrigation potential by providing a reservoir of water for agricultural purposes. Farmers now can access this stored water for irrigation during periods of water scarcity, thereby reducing their dependence on erratic rainfall and over-extraction of groundwater. With reliable irrigation infrastructure in the form of lakes, farmers now are able to plan their cropping patterns more efficiently. They can now cultivate a diverse range of crops throughout the year, optimizing land utilization and maximizing productivity. Crop diversification can also enhance the resilience of agricultural systems, reduce risks associated with mono-cropping, and provide economic opportunities through the cultivation of high-value horticultural crops. One of the farmers while proudly emphasizing the changes of this project told us that farmers in this region are able to grow wheat in this region after almost 30 years.

This boost in irrigational facilities and ground water has also resulted in an increase in farmers income. The minimum increase in the income of farmers that we found in the interview is 40% and it goes up to a maximum increase of 500% (5 times increase).

Impact on social institution of marriage

During our field work in the villages of Amreli, we frequently encountered the villagers' concern regarding the issue of marriage. Many of them elaborated on how marriages had become a significant challenge in this region due to the scarcity of water. It was common to hear phrases like 'Kaun apni beti dega aise gaon me jaha pani nhi' (Who will marry their daughter in the villages where there is no access to water), indicating the gravity of the situation.

However, with the intervention of Dholakia Foundation and their efforts to construct lakes in these villages, the water crisis has been alleviated to a great extent. Consequently, it appears that the issue of marriage has also started to see improvements in the community. Although the impact is not yet widespread, villagers affirm that there has been a significant change in recent times regarding marriages in these previously water-deficient areas. This development illustrates how addressing fundamental concerns like access to water resources can profoundly impact various aspects of a community's social fabric and well-being.

Impact on the women

Water crisis affects people from all demographics. However, it is widely acknowledged that women are disproportionately impacted by this crisis in manifold ways. Research consistently demonstrates that the burden of water scarcity falls heavily on women, particularly in rural areas where they are primarily responsible for collecting and managing household water resources. In Indian villages with severe water shortages, the situation becomes even more dire. Research shows that in areas with severe water shortages, some men in Indian villages marry multiple women solely for the purpose of fetching water for the household. These additional wives, often widows or single mothers, are referred to as "water wives." The practice of marrying extra women for water is particularly common in villages like Denganmal in western India, where safe drinking water is scarce. Men take on multiple wives to ease the burden of fetching water from distant wells, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient (Blakemore, 2015).

Women in Indian villages bear the brunt of the water crisis and face numerous challenges due to the lack of access to water. They are often responsible for fetching water for their families and must make multiple trips to distant water sources, sometimes several kilometers away. This task consumes a significant amount of their time and energy, leaving them with less time for other activities such as education, income generation, or caring for their families (Screwvala, 2022) Water scarcity affects the sanitation and hygiene of the area. This impacts the lives of women most.

Thus, this project is directly and indirectly also contributing to the welfare of the women of the region. Project will have a profound positive impact on the education, health and social well-being of women. Project will mitigate the gender disparities inherent in this crisis and will uplift the women who have long been marginalized due to their roles as custodians of this precious resource.

Effect on Migration

There have been various reports and researches which clearly showed direct causation of water scarcity on migration (Zaveri et al., 2020). This trend is also evident in Amreli district, where the lack of economic opportunities other than agriculture has led to an exodus of people seeking better prospects in more urban areas like Surat, which relies on labor from these villages for its diamond industry. During our field visit we also observed that young people were particularly scarce in the villages due to the difficulty of sustaining themselves on agriculture alone, prompting migration in search of better returns.

One of the farmers of the region said to us “Khet se kaam nahi chalta, isly bahar kaam karne jate h” (income from agriculture is not enough to sustain hence people migrate here in search of better opportunities). People are migrating from Amreli district as there are hardly any economic opportunities here apart from Agriculture and it has also not been that productive in the last some couple of decades due to water scarcity. One of the women also echoed the same thing “Pani ki samasya se gaon khali hojata, log seher chale jate ” (villagers migrate to the city due to the problem of water scarcity and less favorable livelihood opportunities in the villages).

Now as the lake project has started solving the water crisis, this has resulted in economic opportunities as agriculture as well as business is growing in the district. This has now started resulting in reverse migration. It was also confirmed by one of the respondent who said, “Vo toh Savjibhai aay h toh itne log bache h varna itne bhi ni bachte” (because of Savjibhai’s Lake Project, we could see this many people here in the village otherwise they would have also migrated to cities).


While conducting the research project on the socio-economic and environmental aspects of the river rejuvenation initiative, it is important to acknowledge the limitations and boundaries of the study. In this case, the research project did not include expertise in analyzing the direct impact of the lake project on the ecology of the region. While certain observations were made regarding the positive aspects, such as the presence of migratory birds, increased greenery, groundwater recharge, and surface water availability, it is necessary to recognize the limitations in drawing definitive conclusions in this regard.

The limitations related to the analysis of the ecological impact of the lake project include:

Lack of Ecological Expertise:

● The research team did not possess the necessary expertise in ecology or environmental science to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the project's ecological impact. Therefore, the observations made were based on general observations and not on in-depth scientific analysis.

Insufficient Data:

● The research project did not involve collecting specific data on the ecological aspects of the lake project, such as biodiversity assessments, water quality analysis, or ecological surveys. Without this detailed data, it is challenging to make conclusive statements about the overall ecological impact.

Scope of the Research:

● The focus of the research project was primarily on the socio-economic aspects of the river rejuvenation initiative. Therefore, the analysis of the ecological impact was not within the predetermined scope of the study.

Time and Resource Constraints:

● Conducting a comprehensive ecological assessment requires significant time, resources, and expertise. Due to limitations in these aspects, it was not feasible to undertake an in-depth ecological analysis as part of this research project.

While certain positive observations were made regarding the lake project's ecological impact, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations in terms of expertise, data availability, and the project's scope. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the ecological impact, it is recommended to involve experts in ecology and conduct detailed ecological assessments in future studies.


Based on the research conducted and the limitations identified, the following recommendations are proposed for future studies or improvements in the river rejuvenation project:

Data Collection and Management:

Establish a systematic data collection mechanism to record and store quantitative data related to the project's impact in order to create a comprehensive database. This dataset should include:

● Average rainfall in the region during monsoon months.

● Soil nutrient content from various locations along the river course.

● Water table measurements in each region.

● Water quality data.

● Soil productivity assessments.

● Record of crops grown in the region and their annual production.

Quantitative Data Analysis:

● Utilize collected data for analysis: Leverage the dataset to perform quantitative analysis, enabling a more rigorous evaluation of the project's impact on various socio-economic and environmental aspects.

● Explore statistical techniques: Apply statistical analysis methods, such as correlation analysis or regression models, to uncover relationships and patterns between rainfall, soil nutrients, water table levels, water quality, soil productivity, crop production, and the overall success of the river rejuvenation project.

Socio-Economic Impact Assessment:

● Evaluate economic outcomes: Assess the project's socio-economic impact by analyzing the data on crop production, market prices, and income generated from agricultural activities. This will help understand the project's contribution to local livelihoods and the overall economy of the region.

● Monitor employment opportunities: Track and analyze the employment opportunities created by the project, considering both direct employment within the initiative and indirect employment in related sectors.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

● Conduct ecological studies: Collaborate with ecological experts to conduct in-depth studies on the ecological impact of the project. This could include biodiversity assessments, water quality monitoring, and soil health evaluations.

● Assess carbon sequestration: Quantify the project's contribution to carbon sequestration by measuring the increase in green cover and the consequent reduction in carbon dioxide levels.

● Study wildlife conservation: Investigate the impact of the project on wildlife habitats, particularly migratory bird populations, and identify measures to enhance conservation efforts.

Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation:

● Establish a monitoring framework: Implement a robust and long-term monitoring system to continuously assess the project's progress and impact over time.

● Regular data updates: Update the dataset with new data on rainfall, soil nutrients, water table levels, water quality, and crop production on a regular basis to ensure accurate and up-to-date analysis.

Collaborative Research Partnerships:

Engage academic institutions and research organizations: Foster collaborations with academic institutions and research organizations specializing in environmental science, ecology, and hydrogeological analysis. This collaboration can provide access to expertise, additional resources, and independent evaluation of the project's impact. For instance, you can collaborate with Bombay Natural History Society ( for keeping track of migratory birds in the region. Research Scholars from National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee can be roped in to study geology and hydrology of the region.

By implementing these recommendations, the Dholakia Foundation can enhance the research capabilities, improve data-driven analysis, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental impact of the river rejuvenation project.


The research on the socio-economic analysis of the Dholakia Foundation's lake project in Amreli District, Gujarat, underscores the vital role of community-driven initiatives in addressing complex rural challenges. This project has not only enhanced agricultural productivity through improved irrigation but has also provided a lifeline for reverse migration in times of crises, emphasizing the importance of rural development for sustainable livelihoods. However, to maximize its impact, there is a need for targeted public policies.

Firstly, policies should focus on bridging the rural-urban divide by promoting skill development and entrepreneurship opportunities within villages. This would provide alternatives to urban migration and contribute to the economic diversification of rural areas.

Secondly, there is a pressing need to invest in rural education systems to ensure that the children of migrant laborers receive quality education, thereby breaking the cycle of limited opportunities and migration.

Thirdly, recognizing and incentivizing community-led environmental initiatives, like the Dholakia Foundation's project, through policy support and financial incentives, can encourage similar efforts in other regions facing water scarcity and environmental degradation. Lastly, policies should address the challenges posed by wildlife to agricultural activities, fostering coexistence through sustainable practices.

In essence, the Dholakia Foundation's project not only exemplifies the potential of grassroots efforts but also highlights the importance of a supportive policy environment. By combining community-driven initiatives with targeted policies, we can usher in a new era of sustainable rural development, ultimately benefiting both the local communities and the environment.



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